Meet our family. We have Advocates who can assist you at any point in yours or your child's life. Give us a call or send us an email and let us welcome you to the family.
Aisha Johnson is the Executive Director. She has been with Families Helping Families of Southeast Louisiana for seven years. She has three boys with developmental disabilities. Aisha created the Career Symposium programs and hopes to continue building programs and services.
"A life is not important except the impact it has on other lives." - Jackie Robinson
Shay Hunter has been with Families Helping Families of Southeast Louisiana for six years working in the capacity of EarlySteps' Community Outreach Specialist, Data Entry Specialist, and is now our Assistant Director. She plans to provide the best possibile support, resources and programming for people with disabilities. As a parent of a daughter with a severe-profound disability, she fully understands the concerns of parents of children with disabilities and the great need for supports and services. Shay is excited about the upcoming year of programing and our fantastic staff ready to serve children and families.
Shanida Mathieu
Lead Education Advocate
Shanida understands from a person level about how having a child with a disability affects your life. As the mother of a child with special needs, She understands the unique challenges similarly situation families face today. For over fifteen years, Shanida has assisted families whose children have a wide range of disabilities and it has become her passion to serve as a resource in need. Shanida’s passion for assisting parents and extensive knowledge of the practical application of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act along with other laws applying to children makes her a fierce advocate for students. In her former role as a ten year parent advocate and trainer with the Families Helping Families of Jefferson and the Louisiana Parent Training & Information Center, she has trained thousands of parents, professionals and educators on virtually any topic that has to do with special education and civil rights law during her tenure. The training she has received over the years is second to none. Shanida continues to hone her skills and continual training. Because of her passion to excel, she is currently a full-time paralegal student at Tulane Universities School of Professional Advancement (SOPA). She has trained under some of the nations leading advocates such as, Pete Wright of, Jim Comstock-Galagan former attorney for the Southern Disability Law Center. Shanida is a 2009 graduate of Louisiana Partners in Policymaking; has a certificate in Special Education Advocacy from William and Mary School of Law and is a graduate of the Pride Leadership Academy of the Urban League of Louisiana. Shanida is a Court Appointed Special Advocate of CASA of Orleans and St. Bernard parishes as well as the Governor appointed chairperson as a parent for the Louisiana Statewide Inter-Agency Coordinating Council which works in collaboration with the Louisiana Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities.RichText.
Sharla Lynn Green comes to Families Helping Families of Southeast Louisiana as an experienced Data Entry Specialist with nine years of experience. Sharla graduated from Booker T. Washington Senior High School with honors in Cooperative Office Education. Sharla and her family face the challenges of disability everyday. She is compelled to do whatever she can to assist our community by providing services to those who are not aware of the resources that can help our families. Sharla believes that we can make a difference by educating, empowering, and sharing our service throughout New Orleans, Plaquemines, and St. Bernard Parishes.
Brandi Domingue
Finance Manager
Nicole Williams
Education Advocate
Rickii Ainey is a self-advocate from New Orleans. She is taking on the role of Information and Referal Specialist at Families Helping Families of Southeast Louisiana. Where, she will assist individuals and families with information, referral and how to access services at MHSD utilizing appropriate referral mechanisms.
Laqwenta Smith-Johnson
Family Advocate
Laqwenta is a mother of two young sons. One is diagnosed with ADHD and the younger of the two is on the spectrum. She is working as the Transition and Training Coordinator to coordinate workshops for parents and families in need of direction with the difficult world of disability rights, advocacy, and transitioning out of high school. She is expecting to have a great year of training and partnering.
Tomorow is a mother of three sons, one young son with a disability who currently receives EarlySteps Services. She is currently our Community Outreach Specialist (COS) for Regions 1 & 10 which includes: Orleans, Jefferson, St. Bernard and Plaquemines parishes. Tomorow joins our Families Helping Families TEAM with a worth of knowledge from her previous role of serving as a Families Service Coordinator (FSC) before joining our TEAM. If you are experiencing some difficulties or cannot quite understand what is going on with your baby between ages 0-3, please do not hesitate to contact her at our office.
Leona Harris
People First Coordinator
I am the proud mother of 2 sons and grandmother of 2. I have been with FHF NOLA for a little over a year as the liason to People First Nola. I previously worked as a team leader at Superior Options of Louisiana and have been a part of People First NOLA for the past seven years. The mission of People first NOLA is to support and empower individuals with disabilities to become effective decision makers, to gain independence and to enjoy life as equal citizens. And we have fun while we do it. I truly enjoy working with people and there is nothing more pleasing than to work with individuals with special needs. I always feel in my heart that we should go the extra mile to make sure that everyone is ok. People First NOLA allows me the opportunity to make that happen through each member's vision. It is a joy and a pleasure to work with this organization and I look forward to many years of it.RichText.
Lacan Leader for Regions 1 & 10
Regions 1 & 10 Leader
Serving Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard and Jefferson Parishes
Phone: (504) 943-0343 or
(877) 243-7352
Jeremy Love
Prism Project Coordinator
I am the Project Coordinator for the Prism Project of Greater New Orleans, an inclusive performing arts program for children with disabilities and their peers. I oversee the creative arts directors, as well as the volunteers. I also collaborate with outside organizations like Ball State University and NORD to improve the program and obtain support for the program.